


A partnership of affinities and landscapes, visuals and fragments.

The history of Design Terrae also bears the mark of Tullio Pericoli, an artist known for his drawings and portraits published in major national and international newspapers and periodicals.
During his career Pericoli dedicated great space to the theme of landscape and many of his works portray lands of Le Marche Region, where Man and Nature write a common story, wonderful things to tell through the artistic gesture and an attentive and sincere gaze.

The meeting between the artist and the foundation is given not only by their common Marche origins but also by a marked affinity of thought.
Pericoli says indeed, that he often feels like a farmer, a craftsman of the land, who plows with his hands and leaves his mark; the artist’s movements reproduce faces and landscapes with care and attention, to capture the good, the beautiful and the well-made.
From this point, a complex collaboration was born: the entire visual identity, starting from Design Terrae’s logo and the communication activity, were in fact created with his involvement and following the inspirations of his artistic sign.

Design Terrae has also supported Tullio Pericoli as a cultural partner of “Frammenti”, a retrospective with 150 works on display to pay homage to his career and the landscapes that he defines as his “mother tongue”. The exhibition was held from October 2021 to January 2022, in the rooms of the Appartamento dei Principi in Palazzo Reale, promoted and produced by the Municipality of Milan, Palazzo Reale and Skira Editore, together with Design Terrae and Gebrüder Thonet Vienna.

Fondazione Design Terrae.
Largo ‘815, 12 62029 Tolentino (MC) Italia.

Design Terrae foundation.
Largo ‘815, 12 62029 Tolentino (MC) Italy.